The public organization "Zanoni Sharq" has a republican status, and implements its activities throughout the republic. But most of all, the organization carries out its activities in the geographically isolated region of the country, the Zarafshan Valley, where Panjakent, Aini, Kuhistoni Mastchoh districts of the Sughd region of the Republic of Tajikistan are located. The organization was registered on May 18, 1995 in the Department of Justice of the Sugd region of the Republic of Tajikistan, registration № 36 under the name of the Tajik Branch of the International Environmental Association "Women of the East".

In December 2007, the organization was re-registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan under the name of the Public Organization "Zanoni Shark". Registration number 457 "A". And also in April 2023, with the purpose of making changes in the Charter of the organization it was re-registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan under the name Public Organization “Zanoni Shark”, registration number 457 “Б”

Mission of the organization:

Protection of social, economic, and civil rights of women and children, Assistance in the development of society. During the period of its activity, the organization has implemented more than 70 socially significant projects aimed at protecting the rights and interests of women, improving their position in the family and society, and involving them in development processes.

Partners in the implementation of projects of the PO "Zanoni Shark" are local authorities,  DFID, USAID, World Bank, Eurasia Foundation, Soros Foundation, Counterpart International, OSCE, UNDP, UN Women, Global Fund for Women, Irex, Virginia, Swiss Office in Tajikistan, IOM, Irex, Zdrav/Plus, Mercy Corps, Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, NANPOT, German AgroAction, Save the Children, ACTED, Embassy  USA, Helsinki Norwegian Committee, Virginia International Foundation; Committee on Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Embassy of Japan.

The organization's activities are aimed to solve important problems in sоciety, such raising awareness among women and those responsible to solve gender issues , increase legal education for women, prevention of gender based on violence, prevention dropouts from  schools, involving women in decision making and development process and working with victims of violence, working with victims of human trafficking,  involving male population in solving gender issues, raising the level of education of young people about violent extremism and radicalism, raising public awareness of legal labor and raising awareness of labor migrants about the dangers of illegal migration as well as strengthening corporation  with civil society and services and government structure at the local level, aimed at strengthening to develop trust relationships, gaining general experience and stability between.



Head of PО "Zanoni Shaq"

Address: Panjakent, Salomiddin Sharofov–9 st.   

Phone: mob:+992 92 727 31 79Email:

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