Republican Public Organization "Afif" began operating in the Republic of Tajikistan in April 2003 as a Representative office of the Dutch humanitarian organization AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW). In 2013, AFEW Representative Office received the status of a republican public organization under the name "AFEW-Tajikistan". In 2019, "AFEW-Tajikistan" was re-registered as the Republican Public Organization "Afif" (RPO "Afif"). RPO "Afif" has a head office in Dushanbe and a representative office in Bokhtar city.
In accordance with its mandate and Charter, RPO "Afif" implements projects in all regions of the country. The organization seeks to achieve its goals by participating in the implementation of national strategies of the Republic of Tajikistan to improve the quality of life, health and social protection of the population, promote a healthy lifestyle, inform and educate, expand access to medical and social services, advocate programs aimed at economic stability and partner organizations capacity building. RPO “Afif” has implemented more than 60 projects in cooperation with state, public and international organizations.
The work of the Organization is based on three-year strategic plans. RPO Afif has Memorandums of understanding and agreements with Ministry of health and social protection of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of labor, migration and employment of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan, Drug control agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Committee for women and family affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Committee for youth and sports under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Committee for religious affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Main Directorate for the Execution of Criminal Sentences of the Ministry of justice of the Republic of Tajikistan and with other key partners. The beneficiaries of the organization participate in the life cycle of programs - from design to monitoring and evaluation.
To achieve its goals and help beneficiaries, the organization utilizes modern technologies. Free online medical consultation is available on the official website . All site visitors, including key population groups, can submit questions anonymously on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, gynecology, STIs and skin diseases, psychology and legal issues.
Active projects:
- Project" Assistance in the prevention and control of viral hepatitis in the Republic of Tajikistan"
Implementation period: From April 15, 2023 to April 30, 2025
Geographical coverage: Dushanbe, Khujand, Bokhtar, Kulob, Vahdat
- USAID End Tuberculosis in Tajikistan Activity
Implementation period: From January 16, 2023 to September 30, 2024
Geographical coverage: Bokhtar, Norak, Levakand, Kushoniyon, Vakhsh, Dusti, Balkhi, Qubodiyon, Shahritus, N.Khusrav, Jomi, Yovon, Khuroson, Jayhun, Panj.
- Project "Strengthening rehabilitation services in health system"
Implementation period: From October 1, 2019 to December 31, 2024
Geographical coverage: Dushanbe