Public Organization “Alternative” is a regional, non-profit, public organization operating in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Public Organization “Alternativa” established in 2000, has been re-registered in 2007 and 2019, by the Ministry of Justice of Tajikistan. The last re-registration was conducted on August 29, 2019, under registration #181«А». The organization possesses a Certificate of Registration, Charter, and other constituent documents.
Our Mission: To protect citizens' rights, enhance women's role in society, work with youth in the fields of ecology and entrepreneurship, create jobs for women and youth, and protect citizens' civil, economic, social, and cultural rights. We support entrepreneurship and enhance legal literacy among citizens, especially women and youth.
Key Partners (over 24 years of operation):
UNDP, OSIAF in Tajikistan, US Embassy, GEF/SGP/UNDP and CFLI in Kazakhstan.
Project Experience:
• "Prevention of Violent Extremism among Youth" from vulnerable families in the districts of Jilikul, Shahritus, Nosiri-Khisrav, Kabodiоn, and J. Balkhi.
Implemented Projects:
• Reintegration of returned labor migrants in Shahritus, Nosiri-Khisrav, and Kabodion districts.
• Introduction of ASE and renewable energy sources in Shahritus.
• Expanding economic rights of women and youth through vocational training and business trainings in Shahritus, Nosikhisrav, and Kabodian districts.
• Enhancing financial literacy among women and youth in rural regions of Tajikistan.