The public orgnization “Zanon baroi adolat” (registration certificate # ИЧ-129 from 2009 year, and re-registered # ИЧ-04-129 “A” from february 2013 year) in GBAO Justice Department.
The main mission of the organizaation is a protection women’ s rights, persons with a disabilities, volnorable sigments of the population, provision of free legal aid, involving for the enterpreneual activities, giving gob oportuniteis and taking action against infectious deasises.
According the decicion of Regional Economic Court PO “Zanon baroi adolat” was closed in 25 of april 2023 year and all the acibities were stopped.
Republican PO “Kibriyo” has a registered address in Dushanbe city and at present time at the stage of registratio in Khorog toyn. We have a quolified and skilled personnel and all the needed modern eqipments for the convinient work and projects realiztion.
An appropirate personnel don’t have projectsor the above mentioned thems, but patticipated in many seninars on preventing and strenthering violent extrime. Our sraff has all the khowledge and skills that are nesesary for orgainzing and conducting on seminars on gender sensitivity, language of culture and providing confidetialiy with a benificiaries, community, governers and ather interested persons
The basic services of the Organization.
Providing legal and pchychological assistance for victims of the domestic violence;
Condudcting seminars, informational sesiions and trainings on prevention and stopping domestic violence, gender eqholity and prventing human trafficition.
As well providing legal assistance, consultation, preporatiion of the essential documents and participation of the lawer as a representetive in a court hearing.
The PO “Zanon baroi adolat” during 2014 year to 2023y. were held 68 seminars in wich participated 1974 people. 1450 of them wer women and 524 men/
According to the statists reports our staff for all the period provided legal assistance for the 833 people of the domestic violence, preporaton of the documents and to the judical athorities sent 650 claim documents for devorse, collection of alimony, deviding properity and identifng the location of children ets.