United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)


Supporting the implementation of the Strategy on Countering Extremism and Terrorism of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period 2021-2025 and its Action Plan is at the core of UNDP's work on PVE and promotion of social cohesion, taking into account its mandate, corporate strategic objectives and available resources. UNDP concentrates its work on the following priority areas on PVE and RRR:

  1. Strengthening the institutional capacities of public institutions on PVE and RRR, especially in improving legislation and policies, facilitate effective implementation, coordination and monitoring of relevant national strategies and programmes.
  2. Strengthening government-civil society and media interaction on PVE and RRR through dialogue, implementation of joint initiatives with the active involvement of public and religious leaders, representatives of the academy and the private sector and the media.
  3. Strengthening the role and capacity of local communities on PVE and RRR including Advisory Groups on PVE and RRR to promote social cohesion at the local level with a special focus on youth and women. 

These priority areas include the following key programme components: 

  • Analysis and assessment of the situation, internal and external factors influencing the level of radicalisation and risk of extremism in the country, as well as analysis of policies and legislation in the field of PVE and RRR with a view to further improving them in line with international standards.
  • Provision of technical assistance to improve the capacity and quality of work of key stakeholders on PVE and RRR as well as facilitation of effective coordination between state and non-state stakeholders as well as proper monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Strategy. 
  • Awareness raising and outreach interventions with involvement of local communities (with a focus on youth and women) to increase community awareness on PVE issues, including in the context of dealing with returnees from conflict zones in Syria and Iraq.
  • Provision of support to vulnerable communities on formulation and implementation of local action plans on PVE and RRR (through the established Advisory Groups and pool of national experts).
  • Facilitate application of innovative approaches, including mental health and psycho-social support tools into the PVE and RRR processes and support the creation of a pool of national experts in respective areas.